AgencyBloc's AMS+ Solution Is Now Integrated With SMS's Lead Advantage Pro


We are proud to partner with Lead Advantage Pro® and be the top choice agency management system. AgencyBloc's AMS+ solution integrates with Lead Advantage Pro®, Senior Market Sales’ (SMS) Medicare quoting and enrollment platform. Take Medicare prospects from lead to enrollment all in one place.

Special offer: Lead Advantage Pro® users receive 15% off for their first year with AMS+!

Request a Live Demo of AgencyBloc's AMS+ Solution

1. Fill out the form below
2. Receive an email from an AgencyBloc Sales Representative with a link to pick a date and time
3. On your demo: See AgencyBloc's AMS+ solution live and get your questions answered!

Short: AMS+, Leading Industry-Specific Agency Management System


Agencies using AMS+ with the Lead Advantage Pro integration experience:

  • Enhanced Medicare business tracking with an insurance CRM (AMS+)
  • Streamlined selling, quoting, and converting processes with reduced manual entry (AMS+ & Lead Advantage Pro)
  • Guided quoting and enrollment tools built specifically for Medicare agencies (AMS+ & Lead Advantage Pro)
  • Simplified electronic compliance management for Scope of Appointment forms (AMS+)
  • Consistent prospect communication with built-in email marketing, text messaging, and workflow automation (AMS+)

Other Lead Advantage Pro users are already using AgencyBloc's AMS+ solution. Become a Member of The Bloc with them today!

To ask questions, call or email our Sales Team:


Want to learn more about Lead Advantage Pro from SMS? Visit their page to request a demo today!

The #1 Recommended Insurance Industry Growth Platform for Health, Benefits, and Senior Insurance Organizations

  • Industry-Specific CRM

    Manage prospects, clients, policies, agents, carriers, and more with the industry-specific CRM in AgencyBloc’s AMS+ solution. Improve client retention, streamline policy management, and maintain meaningful communication all in one location.

  • Commissions+

    AgencyBloc’s Commissions+ solution has helped agencies spend up to 75% less time processing commissions. Commissions+ saves you time and resources, helps you identify missed commissions, and gives you insightful commission insights.

  • Sales Enablement

    Streamline your sales processes with industry-specific sales tools like texting, insurance-specific VoIP, email marketing, electronic compliance management, lead routing rules, activity tracking and task assignment, and more in AgencyBloc’s AMS+ solution.

  • Quote+

    Quote, gather medical health questionnaires, and create employer-ready proposals all in one centralized location. Through the guided process, brokers can reduce their time spent managing, enrolling, and servicing their group benefits clients every renewal season by up to 50%.

  • Workflow Automation

    Automation helps you spend less time on manual, time-consuming tasks. Send text messages or emails and assign new tasks in AgencyBloc’s AMS+ solution so no important tasks or touchpoints are missed.

  • Dashboard Analytics & Reporting

    Get a pulse on the health of your organization with real-time graphs and charts in AgencyBloc’s AMS+ solution. Manage insights for sales, servicing, commissions, and more. Then, dive deeper with integrated custom reporting tools.